Joyful Judy

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Baby girl

A baby girl was born into our family on April 1, 2009!!!

My 10th grandchild!!! she is beautiful, I held her for hours, I kissed her downy head, I touched her perfect soft skin, gazed at her and memorized her tiny little nose, perfect rosebud mouth, slender wee fingers and precious miniscule toes. She scrunched her face in frowns and yawns and she smiled at me! (Grandmas, you know they smile at us don’t you?…they can call it “gas” or whatever, but we ‘know’ don’t we?) As she wrapped those perfectly formed fingers around my arthritic one I tried to imagine……would she want to wear curls or pigtails or ponytails? ribbons and bows or baseball caps? Would she be a princess dressed in pink froth or would she prefer blue denim? Would she rather dance or play soccer?….????

Then I prayed for her…for joy, for peace, strength, health, love, humor,and for just enough strife so she will appreciate her blessings…and then I prayed that she will always walk with Jeus!

A baby….a sign of hope in an unsettled world.

Junkmail Judy

Just call me Junkmail Judy….. challenged to come up with ten crafts using recycled materials I have a new appreciation for junkmail. 

Every year I put on an Advent Festival at church to make crafts for Christmas.  Being sensitive to the economy this year I decided I should spend as little as possible.  Aha, I thought, how about a “Green” festival this year.  My goal was to not buy any new materials or supplies.  Pondering my new assignment,  I sat staring at a stack of holiday catalogs. Aha, I thought, a perfect medium.  Out came my scissors and a glue stick.  To date I have come up with: Two different table top trees, one quilled and one folded, bells, snowflakes, an angel and my mind is still reeling with possibilities.  I tried these and some other recycled crafts on about 60 people, from seniors to preschoolers yesterday. All were thrilled with the outcome and carried home a bag (recycled of course) full of goodies to trim the house this holiday season!  I had so much fun and had only to purchase some glue.  I’d love to share the possibilities with others of like mind! Happy crafting!!!!

Cripple Creek

“Goin’ up to Cripple Creek, goin’ on the run

Goin’ up to Cripple Creek to have a little fun”…….To many people that means “gambling”  “taking a chance”.  But not for me…I like to go to soak up some history.  I like to gaze across the lay-out of that little town and imagine it in it’s hey day!

In my mind I see hundreds of houses and store fronts and thousands of people milling in the streets, “  taking a chance” on life. Wagons, horses and mules clutter the scene while miners, sturdy women, prospectors, entrepreneurs, ladies of ill repute, the newly rich, the very poor, plain folk and fancy folk are all making history….and it was just a little over a hundrd years ago.

There is a marvelous new museum called the Pikes Peak Heritage Center perched on a hill opposite the Mollie Kathleen Mine.

This great new attraction boasts some of the finest panoramic views of Cripple Creek and beyond.  It features an informative film on C.C. history that is very well done. Great photography and bits of history are masterfully displayed throughout the grand structure. It would take several hours to really appreciate it all.  I was with a senior bus group from The West Center and so had to hurry on….you can be sure I will return to spend more time.

On we went to down town Cripple Creek for lunch then to the Butte Theater so see an absolutely fantastic version of Rogers & Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!”  David Craven as Curly had a magnificent voice booming out “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” to start the play in musical motion!  Anna Malone as Ado Annie was equally enchanting especially her rendition of “I’m Just a Girl Who Can’t Say No”  The entire cast was superb and kept the audience tapping its feet to the familiar tunes as the story unfolded.

This procution can hold its own to others I have paid more than four times as much to see.  It was very professional and a terrific bargain for theater works of this caliber.  Even at the price of gas (which, by the way, is cheaper in Woodland Park at $3.69 gal.)  you can’t go wrong….Adults just $14.75 and Seniors $12.75.

The show runs through September..This “nugget of gold” is a must see.  Kudos to The Thin Air Theater Company of Cripple Creek!

Garden walk

Do you remember the song “Mocking Bird Hill”?  It starts: “Tra la la twiddle dee dee dee it gives me a thrill to wake up in the morning to the mocking bird’s trill”…. the last verse…

“When it’s late in the evening I climb up my hill and survey all my kingdom while everything’s still…”

And that is what I do…survey all my kingdom(garden)

In the summer I love to stroll thru my gardens to sit awhile here and there enjoying each spot.  I come in the early morning…I meander thru during the heat of the day finding a shady spot to rest and I come at twilight….and “I survey all my kingdom while everthing is still”

I marvel at the beauty of growing blooming things…of how that tiny seed I pushed into the soil has become a mass of beautiful flowers…and it brings to mind a verse I read somewhere.  I have it painted on a sign which hangs in my garden today.

“Who plants a seed beneath the sod

And waits to see, believes in God.”

God is sharing His Kingdom with me!!!!!

Route 66

Well…we went out of town for a couple of days and while I was gone my birthday slipped up on me.They have a way of doing that you know, Birthdays….they sneak up on you when you aren’t looking! But really, I love birthdays!!!! I like to celebrate mine for several weeks! Last year I was shouting, “Hey, I’m sixty-five and still alive!”
This year….
I’m gonna get me a Tshirt that says “Route 66”
Cuz I’m going down that highway and I ain’t missin’ any licks.
I’m exploring every byway, leaving no stone unturned
Cuz time will wait for no one, that’s one thing I have learned!
When opportunity knocks, I’m stepping through that door
Gonna go ahead and do it and procrastinate no more!
Just like the grandkids, I’m gonna jump and skip and twirl
Cuz there’s still a lot of life left in this old girl!
Life is full of adventure, I’m gonna live every minute.
Like a tube of toothpaste I’ll squeeze out everything that’s in it!
I want to travel, laugh and sing and have all kinds of fun!
I’m on my way, so look out world…I’ve only just begun!
I want to live life to the fullest, do everything I can
To make this a better world and to help my fellow man!
Now I’m no Pollyanna, I know there will be some sorrow too,
But with my hand in the Savior’s, He will see me through.
And when this life is over, when my time on earth is done;
I want to skid into heaven shouting,Wow! that sure was fun!


Sometimes we are called SOG’s…Silly Old Grandmas…and I suppose we are! Why when my first Grandbaby was born…she kept us waiting two weeks past due date…then came into the the world red, wrinkled and a bit “overdone”….but she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. Now 13 years later she is still gorgeous, smart, delightful and wonderful…just listen to me! I am indeed a SOG. That reminds me of a joke my husband loves to tell.
There were two old gentlemen sitting in the coffee shop. One says to the other, “Say, have I ever told you about my grandchildren?” And the other replied, “No, and I appreciate that.”

So I try not to brag too much about my overly bright and beautiful grandkids.

What’s a Baba??

We come in all sizes, shapes and colors. We are from every culture and we are everywhere in the world!  We have been around since Eve was middle aged!  We are called Nana, Oma, Granny, Grandma, Grandmother,  Granna (that is a cross between Grandma and Nana)Grammy and my personal favorite Baba.  I am a Baba…..(Slovakian roots) My nine grandchildren and many of their friends call me Baba…I love it!  Becoming a Baba has been the most wonderful thing that ever has happened to me!  Oh, how blessed I am!

People told us and we never doubted it was true

But you really can’t comprehend it until it happens to you.

Words cannot explain it….it just can’t be understood…

The wonder of the ‘state’ we’re in…..Grandparenthood!!!!

Those tiny newborn bundles that we cradled in our arms

Have become precious little people full of endearing charms!

They burst into this world and right from the start

Wrapped a hand around our fingers and their lives around our hearts.

Their eyes are bright with anticipation as they come through our door.

Oh the giggles of delight as Grandpa romps with them on the floor.

A story and a cuddle snuggled close on Baba’s lap…

Or sound asleep on Grandpa’s chest for a cozy little nap.

Only God in His great plan could ever have known

How much we need babies when our own kids are grown!

Thank you, Lord for grandbabies, and bless them we pray,

May they grow in faith and love for you each and every day!                

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