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Month: April 2017

Retired? Really?

So, I finally did it… retired from a job I loved…I didn’t really want to but it had to happen one day! I figured I better get down off the horse before it threw me off! Here I am in my first week of retirement and I’ve been busy attending parties! Oh my, I had really wanted to quietly ride off in the sunset but my wonderful friends and coworkers did not let that happen! I feel their kind words give me way too much credit! I’ve truly just been the tool in God’s hand! It has been so fun and fulfilling. He knows my heart so I am sure He has something wonderful for me to do! May I glorify Him always!

Say Baba

My sister who raised her children on a farm tells the story of calling for her toddler playing outside.. when he didn’t respond she hollored “Steven, say mama!” When he did she followed his voice and found him behind the chicken coop!

I incorporated that technique when texting my grandkids… if I do not get a response I text ‘just say Baba’ so I know they are alright!

Days after Lexie died I yearned to text her … ‘just say Baba’
In fact I said it in my heart over and over, ‘Lex, just say Baba’ I want to know that you are Ok.

The week after the beautiful memorial as I was sorting through some children’s books for Twice Upon A Time*, A red bag of books was lying on top of a new delivery. I pulled out the top book… ‘There’s A Party In Heaven’* My text from Lexie just saying ‘Baba’ had arrived!

*There’s a Party In Heaven by Gary Bower
*Twice Upon A Time is a ministry collecting gently used and outgrown children’s books to distribute to less privileged children to encourage reading. To date this ministry (soon to celebrate its fifth year) has distributed over 11,000 books!

God keeps His promises

Every Christmas/New Year for the past 45 years I have written a poem as our Christmas card. This year I wrote…

If ever you have doubted God’s love and grace,
If ever you’ve wondered if He gives comfort and peace,
(2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
If ever you have been uncertain that the Bible is true,
That God would do what He promised to do…
(Psalm 18:30)
Believe!!!! It is true!!
I want to shout it from the mountain tops
And all around the town
Dear ones, cling to Jesus, He will never let you down.
(Matthew 28:20)
When my soul was aching
When my heart was breaking
He picked up all the pieces and held me close to Him
And then…
He comforted me and gave me peace I’ll never understand.
(Matthew 5:4. Philippians 4:7)
Just when I thought the sorrow was too much to bear
My Savior held me up – He was there!
(Psalm 34:18)
When tears come, He wipes them away
(Isaiah 25:8)
And gives me strength to face a new day.
God is always beside me, He is so good,
He gives me comfort and peace
Just like He said He would
(Matthew 11:28)
Death…where is your sting?
(1 Corinthians 15:55)
It is not the end, only the beginning
Lexie is with Jesus!!
She is happy, she is grinning!!!
(Romans 6:5. John 14:2-3)
We have this promise;
His word He has given
(Proverbs 30:5)
(1 Corinthians 2:9. 2 Peter 3:13)

In loving memory of Alexa Lee Wach. June 10, 1995-Oct 28, 2016


Oh,so many times, when hearing about a personal tragedy in people’s lives I’ve thought, “how can they endure? How do you live through such a tragedy and if you do how do you keep living?” I know I have especially uttered those words over a child’s suicide! And here I find myself……

My darling Lexie, my first grandchild, beautiful, intelligent (just graduated Cum Laude) twenty one, such potential, caring, loving, creative …the list goes on, I called her ‘my baby girl’

But I have discovered how you continue on, how you endure, how you live through and beyond the pain and heartbreak! It hurts…oh, how it hurts but I am being held up, held together by the many prayers uttered on my behalf. God is using all the prayers and love from family, friends and neighbors to build a strong scaffolding around my crumbling soul.

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